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Cleaning Unit Form Wash

Cleaning Unit Form Wash

Ref: EQ00067

Form Wash is an automatised wash centre for 3D prints made with FormLabs

Description and technical specifications

Form Wash is one of the elements that FormLabs has to automate the post-processing of the pieces manufactured in the Formlabs printers.

Once the print in Form 2 is finished, the print base (including the piece) is removed and introduced into the Form Wash, without having to use gloves or to unglue the piece from the print base. Once placed in the Form Wash the appropriate time must be selected for each type of resin, which tends to be approximately 15 minutes with isopropyl alcohol (IPA). During the wash, an agitator moves all the fluid to ensure it reaches every corner of the piece uniformly. Once the programmed time has passed, the piece is automatically elevated to break contact with the alcohol and allow it to air dry. This prevents the piece from softening or even becoming deformed through having been in contact with the IPA for too long.

Form Wash has a capacity for 8.6 litres of isopropyl alcohol, sufficient for washing approximately 70 prints. Form Wash has two elements that help the user to know when to change the alcohol. One is the hydrometer, which controls the IPA saturation level and indicates when a change is recommended. The other is a siphon pump that makes it easy to transfer the IPA into and out of the wash basin.

It is advisable for all Form 2 users to have the Form Wash to automate post-processing while saving money and time.

Moreover, for complete automation of the printing process, FormLabs has a curing unit called Form Cure, necessary for achieving the maximum mechanical properties of each type of resin.

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